The “Masseria Donna Chiara” Private Resort is a magical place, immersed in a vast estate of centuries-old olive trees with a Mediterranean scrub forest, 10 km from the wonderful beaches south of Monopoli, in the Apulia region.
Built starting from an old 16th century structure, today Masseria Donna Chiara Private Resort is a luxurious resort that can accommodate up to 10 people in its 4 double bedrooms each one with private bathroom and independent entrance in order to guarantee maximum privacy.
Inside the private resort there is a living area furnished with large sofas and a 4-meter long table, an open industrial kitchen and two wood-burning fireplaces that will make your stay pleasant even in the cold season.
Above the main building there is a sun terrace furnished with sun loungers and an equipped mini bar.
Outside, a large space houses a gazebo furnished with sofas and a large table for 20 people. The gazebo is served by an outdoor kitchen equipped with barbecue and an old wood-burning oven.
Not far from the gazebo, there is a 75 sqm swimming pool, with heated and salted water, overlooking the Mediterranean scrub forest.